CA. K R Raveendranath
CA. K.R. Raveendranath has a professional experience of about 35 years. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in the year 1981 after he graduated from University of Commerce in 1970. He was admitted as a fellow member of ICAI in November 2002. He is a partner of the firm since June, 2006.
He was employed in Managerial Cadre in Kerala State Industrial Enterprise (KSIE), a Government of Kerala undertaking in 1981. Till his retirement as General Manager (Finance) in 2006, he has held various top managerial positions of the company like Internal Auditor, Audit Manager, Deputy Manager, and was in charge of entire financial operation of the company. His duties included formulating company’s financial policies, internal audit functions, income tax matters, assistance in setting up industrial infrastructure facilities for new industrial units. He was also appointed as the Director of various subsidiary companies of KSIE. In the firm, he handles the audits of Government Companies and statutory bodies. He has expertise in handling the compliance maters of government companies like, adherence to government orders and regulations and C & AG audits.